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2021中金公司Capital Business Analyst春季校园招聘公告(20210304)

时间:2022-11-09人气:作者: 中金公司招聘
招聘类别:校园招聘 发布时间:2021-03-04 工作地点:北京市 工作职责: 1. Assist in the execution of account opening and quota approval for various financing businesses and products, and assist in providing consulting and training on capital business and products for investment managers. 帮助执行各类融资业务和产品的开户及额度审批,协助为投资经理提供资本金业务及产品的咨询及培训。 2. Regularly communicate with investment managers, pay attention to market trends in a timely manner, and explore new financing business opportunities. 与投资经理进行定期交流,及时关注市场动态,开拓新的融资类业务机会。 3. Track the domestic financial market and regulatory environment, collect major changes and trends in the market in a timely manner, and focus on collecting and analyzing credit business market data. 跟踪国内金融市场和监管环境,及时收集市场的重大变化和趋势,重点进行信用业务市场数据收集和分析。 4. Statistically organize the relevant business data of the capital group, conduct necessary relevant data analysis and issue reports. 统计整理资本金组相关业务数据情况,进行必要的相关数据分析并出具报告。 5. Assist to support business process and system optimization. 协助支持业务流程及系统优化。 任职资格: 1. Entry level position for 2021 postgraduates, statistics/finance/computer majors preferred. 硕士研究生学历,统计、金融、计算机等专业优先。 2. Have a certain understanding and interest in the capital market, have internships in banks/securities companies /other financial institutions , have a certain understanding of credit trading business is preferred. 对资本市场有一定了解和兴趣,在银行、证券公司等金融机构进行过实习并对信用交易业务有一定了解者优先。 3. A solid programming foundation, proficiency in programming languages such as Python/VBA is preferred. 有扎实的编程基础,熟练掌握Python/VBA等编程语言者优先。 4. Have good communication and coordination skills and strong learning ability; Work proactive, self-motivated, attention to details. 具备良好的沟通协调能力、较强的学习能力;工作积极主动,自我驱动力强,注重细节。
